
Augmenting Scarf Plots for Exploring Temporal Gaze Patterns
R Shiny apps visualization eye-tracking sensor data

Image of alpscarf

What is Alpscarf?

Alpscarf is an extension of scarf plots that helps analysts to explore temporal patterns in eye movement data. We augment scarf plot with visual components: mountains present when a sequence of AOI visits conforms to a specified pattern, and valleys indicate revisiting behavior. [PDF] [PosterCHI18]

30 seconds of Alpscarf


R package

The latest version Alpscarf package is available at Github

Shiny app

The interactive Alpscarf allows users to upload their own eye movement data, and interactively play with different modes in Alpscarf:


Chia-Kai Yang and Chat Wacharamanotham. 2018. Alpscarf: Augmenting Scarf Plots for Exploring Temporal Gaze Patterns. In Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ‘18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Paper LBW503, 6 pages. [DOI]


Alpscarf is a research project by Chia-Kai Yang, and supervised by Prof. Chat Wacharamanotham.

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